An Independent Scientific Assessment of Well Stimulation in California Volume II: Potential Environmental Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing and Acid Stimulations
| July 1st, 2015
In 2013, the California Legislature passed Senate Bill 4 (SB 4), setting the framework for regulation of well stimulation technologies in California, including hydraulic fracturing. SB 4 also requires the California Natural Resources Agency to conduct an independent scientific study of well stimulation technologies in California. SB 4 stipulates that the independent study assess current and potential future well stimulation practices, including the likelihood that these technologies could enable extensive new petroleum production in the state; evaluate the impacts of well stimulation technologies and the gaps in data that preclude this understanding; identify potential risks associated with current practices; and identify alternative practices that might limit these risks. (See Box 1.1-1 for a short history of oil and gas production in California.) This scientific assessment addresses well stimulation used in oil and gas production both on land and offshore in California.
fracking, Groundwater Exchange, hydraulic fracturing, oil and gas, water quality