Document Details

Base of fresh ground water (approximately 3,000 micromhos) in the San Joaquin Valley, California

R.W. Page | June 30th, 1971

Widespread pumping of groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley began about 1900, and since 1940 pumpage has increased at an accelerated rate. In response to the heavy withdrawal of groundwater, water levels have declined rapidly beneath extensive areas of the valley. Consequently, it becomes necessary to delineate the base of fresh groundwater so that changes in thickness of the fresh-water zone can be monitored, and limited depths of water wells can be determined. In turn, those data will be useful in determining favorable areas for groundwater storage, and areas and depths for waste-water disposal wells. Because other agencies and the U.S. Geological Survey have collected a vast amount of well log and other data, most of the information in this report was assembled from existing files. However, for areas where data were scanty, a few hundred additional electrical logs were collected to supplement the available information.


Central Valley, Groundwater Exchange, groundwater pumping impacts, groundwater recharge, monitoring, oil and gas, water quality, water supply