CALFED Bay-Delta Program, Programmatic Record of Decision
CALFED Bay Delta Program (CALFED) | August 28th, 2000
The CALFED Bay-Delta Program is an unprecedented effort to build a framework for managing California’s most precious natural resource: water. California and the Federal government in partnership, are launching the largest, most comprehensive water management program in the world. This is the most complex and extensive ecosystem restoration project ever proposed. It is also one of the most intensive water conservation efforts ever attempted. It is the most far-reaching effort to improve the drinking water quality of millions of Californians as well as an unprecedented commitment to watershed restoration. And it is the most significant investment in storage and conveyance in decades. This document is the Record of Decision (ROD) for addressing these efforts through a sustained, long-term effort by the CALFED Agencies and stakeholder groups.
ecosystem management, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, water quality, water supply