California Non-Point Source Encyclopedia
Tetra Tech, Inc. (Tetra Tech) | July 20th, 2004
The goal of this guidance document is to provide the best, most relevant information to State agencies, regional boards, local agencies, and nonpoint source (NPS) practitioners to assist them in identifying and implementing practices to protect high-quality waters and restore impaired waters. This guidance document is not applicable to any facilities that are considered point sources under the Clean Water Act, including confined animal facilities that are Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) as defined by USEPA.
The guidance is organized around the six NPS categories identified in the Plan for California’s Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program of 2000: agriculture, forestry, urban areas, marinas and recreational boating, hydromodification, and wetlands/riparian areas/vegetated treatment systems.
It supports the plan’s goal of implementing the 61 NPS management measures by 2013. It also supports the implementation of NPS total maximum daily loads (TMDLs), as well as the development of TMDL implementation plans and watershed plans. A companion set of tools will also be available through the Internet to assist users in identifying potential management practices and estimating the effectiveness of those practices in managing pollution.