Document Details

Factors Affecting the Composition and Salinity of Exports from the South Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | February 24th, 2004

The goal of this report is to identify factors affecting the composition and salinity of exports from the south Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.  Composition is defined here as sources of salt such as rivers and seawater.

The individual objectives are to

  1. Review south Delta export composition studies;
  2. Describe the salinity trends in cross-Delta flow and the San Joaquin River – the two immediate sources of water flowing to the SWP and CVP export sites in the south Delta;
  3. Identify factors determining the export of cross-Delta flow versus the San Joaquin River; and
  4. Describe long-term salinity trends in SWP exports from the south Delta and factors affecting them.



Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta, salinity, State Water Project (SWP), water project operations