Ground Water in the Redding Basin, Shasta and Tehama Counties, California
Michael J. Pierce | December 31st, 1983
The Redding Basin covers about 510 square miles in the northern part of the Central Valley of California and is surrounded by the Cascade Range, Klamath Mountains,and CoastRanges. It is separated from the main part of the valley by the Red Bluff Arch, a subsurface geologic structure.
Ground water in the Redding Basin is obtained principally from wells tapping continental deposits of Tertiary and (or) Quaternary age. These deposits are arranged in a synclinal structure that trends and plunges south- ward. They are deposited on the Chico Formation, a marine sedimentary unit, and a basement complex composed of older igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks.
Recharge to the Redding ground-water basin is from subsurface inflow; infiltration of precipitation and applied irrigation water; and percolation from stream san dcreeks.