Document Details

CV-SALTS Groundwater Sustainability Plan Data Collection – Pilot Study Results

GEI Consultants, Inc. | February 1st, 2024

The purpose of Prioritization & Optimization (P&O) Study Task 5.3 (Information Extraction from
Groundwater Sustainability Plans [GSP]) is to extract and organize relevant GSP data and information
that can be used to (1) validate or refine information contained in the P&O Study’s CV-SWAT
watershed model (developed to support ongoing baseline characterization work); (2) support the
eventual development of salinity management alternatives within specified planning areas; and (3)
help ensure that long-term Central Valley salt planning considers ongoing Groundwater Sustainability
Agency (GSA) planning efforts, which is of particular interest to the State Water Resources Control


Central Valley, drinking water, Groundwater Exchange, groundwater recharge, salinity, Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), water quality