Document Details

CV-SALTS Groundwater Sustainability Plan Data Integration Report Integrated Scope of Work – Task 5.3 (Draft)

Central Valley Salinity Coalition (CVSC) | June 20th, 2024

The purpose of Prioritization & Optimization (P&O) Study Task 5.3 (Information Extraction from Groundwater Sustainability Plans [GSP]) is to extract and organize relevant GSP data and information that can be used to:

    1. Validate or refine information contained in the P&O Study’s Central Valley Soil and Water Assessment Tool (CV-SWAT) watershed model and other models (developed to support ongoing baseline characterization work and future salinity-related analyses);
    2. Support the eventual development of salinity management alternatives within specified Central Valley planning areas; and
    3. Help ensure that long-term Central Valley salt planning understands and considers ongoing Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA) planning efforts, efforts and potential future conditions of the water in the Central Valley region and benefits from the local investment in these plans. It is also expected that this report will be a foundation for enhanced coordination with GSAs as planning occurs in their regions.

Click below for document appendices. 

Appendix A: Selected GSP Information Summaries by Hydrologic Region

Appendix B:

Appendix B 1 – Sac Valley Hydrologic Region – GSP Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model Excerpts and Near AEM Profiles

Appendix B 2 – San Joaquin Valley Hydrologic Region – GSP Hydrologic Conceptual Model Excerpts and Near AEM Profiles

Appendix B 3 – Tulare Lake Hydrologic Region – GSP Hydrogeologic Conceptual Model Excerpts and Near AEM Profiles


Central Valley, drinking water, groundwater contamination, Groundwater Exchange, salinity, Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), water quality