Nitrate Implementation Measures Study (NIMS) Final Report
CDM Smith (CDM Smith) | March 31st, 2016
This report summarizes the Nitrate Implementation Measures Study (NIMS) which addresses nitrate contamination in the groundwater basins underlying the floor of the Central Valley and appropriate implementation measures to mitigate nitrate contamination for these areas using a phased approach that includes providing safe drinking water, reducing or eliminating impacts to drinking water sources and implementing managed restoration activities where needed to restore beneficial uses in groundwater. These implementation measures will be incorporated into the SNMP. The findings from both the SSALTS and the NIMS will be used to guide discussions regarding the need for changes to the existing Basin Plan to facilitate salt disposal and mitigation measures for nitrate in a manner that is most beneficial to the region covered by the SNMP.
Central Valley, drinking water, groundwater contamination, Groundwater Exchange, nitrates, water quality