NRDC Portfolio-Based BDCP Conceptual Alternative – Benefits of a diversified portfolio approach to the Bay-Delta and water supply
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) | January 16th, 2013
A Bay Delta Conservation Plan that includes a balanced portfolio of investments both in and outside of the Delta offers a wide range of potential benefits in comparison with a narrow focus on a large new Delta water conveyance facility and habitat restoration. Given the statewide importance of a Delta solution, we urge BDCP, the Delta Stewardship Council and others to analyze these and other potential benefits from a portfolio approach to restoring the Bay-Delta and improving water supply reliability in export areas.
NRDC Portfolio-Based BDCP Conceptual Alternative – Summary
NRDC Portfolio-Based BDCP Conceptual Alternative – letter of water agency and organizational support
Appendix A: Alternative Water Supply Cost and Yield Estimates