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Potable Reuse 101: An innovative and sustainable water supply solution

American Water Works Association (AWWA) | April 14th, 2016

Both the quality and quantity of conventional water supplies are increasingly affected by population growth, urbanization, prolonged and severe droughts, and climate change. Consequently, finding the opportunities to develop new groundwater or surface water sources is becoming more challenging. With an increased pressure on water systems, a diversified portfolio of water sources is required to meet future water demands, ensure public health, and provide economic and environmental sustainability. Many communities are working to increase water conservation and seek new strategies to develop sustainable water supplies for the future. For that reason, there is a clear need to use our existing local water resources effectively to produce and provide reliable, high-quality water. One viable approach to address existing and anticipated water shortages is to implement water reuse in which used water from homes and businesses is highly treated and used to augment public water supplies.


direct potable reuse, water use efficiency