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Resistivity imaging reveals complex pattern of saltwater intrusion along Monterey coast

Adam Pidlisecky, Rosemary Knight, Meredith Goebel | February 22nd, 2017

A coastal region represents a dynamic zone where fresh groundwater in the coastal aquifers interacts with saline ocean water. The location of the freshwater-saltwater interface is governed by the density and pressure differences on the two sides of the interface and the subsurface hydrologic properties that control fluid movement. Saltwater intrusion is the process in which this interface moves landward, with saltwater then occupying parts of the aquifer that were once fresh. While this process has been observed and documented throughout the world for over a century (Bear et al., 1999), climate change, growing water demands, and manipulation of natural hydrologic systems have led to saltwater intrusion being considered a significant threat to future freshwater resources globally (Kinzelbach et al., 2003; Barlow and Reichard, 2009; Werner et al., 2013). Saltwater intrusion can have a number of significant economic and environmental impacts, including diminished freshwater storage capacity, contamination of freshwater production wells, soil salinization, and decreased nutrient laden freshwater discharge to marine ecosystems (Johannes, 1980; Taniguchi et al., 2002; Werner et al., 2013).

A number of steps can be taken to attempt to slow the rate of saltwater intrusion, including spatial and temporal changes in the extent of groundwater pumping, in landuse, in surface water diversions, and in artificial recharge (Abarca et al., 2006). What is needed however is a way to prioritize these actions, or combinations of actions, so as to optimize the impact on saltwater intrusion. This requires an accurate understanding of the current distribution of freshwater and saltwater, that can be used to predict future locations in response to these, and other, actions (Sanford and Pope, 2009).

Saltwater intrusion is traditionally mapped and monitored using measurements made in wells and predictive flow models (Werner et al., 2013). There are a number of limitations with these methods. Measurements made in wells provide point data, which may fail to capture the spatial complexity in subsurface conditions. Improving spatial coverage with additional wells can be cost prohibitive (Ogilvy et al., 2009). Additionally, salinity measurements from wells can be flux-averaged concentrations, and head measurements in wells are affected by the density of the water column so can be misinterpreted in the presence of unknown salt water, and are susceptible to measurement, instrument, and time lag errors (Carrera et al., 2009; Post and Von Asmuth, 2013). Models are generally calibrated by matching historic head values in wells and/or matching salinity values from well samples (Carrera et al., 2009), thus all the limitations of well data are carried over into the model calibration. Given these limitations there is significant opportunity for additional methods of mapping and monitoring the distribution of saltwater in the subsurface for improved management of coastal aquifers.


coastal aquifers, Groundwater Exchange, salinity, seawater intrusion, Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)