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Status of 2020 Urban Water Management Plans

Sabrina Cook, Fethi BenJemaa, Julia Ekstrom, Gwen Huff, Zaida Darley, Betsy Vail, Jim Lin, Nancy King, Aakash Prashar, Dave Todd | July 25th, 2023

As required by the California Water Code (CWC), every five years Urban Water Suppliers must submit an Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) to the Department of Water Resources (DWR). DWR then reports to the Legislature on the status of UWMPs and Water Shortage Contingency Plans (WSCPs) and exemplary elements.

Key Findings:
* 95% (417 of 438) of Urban Water Suppliers submitted plans.
* 97% (374 of 386) of Urban Retail Suppliers that submitted UWMPs met their water use reduction targets.
* Statewide per capita urban water use was down 32% by 2020 from baseline period (suppliers identify a continuous 10-year or 15-year baseline period between 1995 and 2010).
* 94% (393 of 417) of Urban Water Suppliers anticipate being able to manage any water shortages by implementing their Water Shortage Contingency Plans.


urban water conservation