The Unaffordable and Unsustainable Twin Tunnels: Why the Santa Barbara Experience Matters
California Water Impact Network (C-WIN) | July 1st, 2016
1. Examine the deficiencies and cost impacts of Governor Brown’s Twin Tunnels/CA WaterFix, illustrating the untenable financial burden these proposals place on local water agencies and ratepayers;
2. Highlight that the Tunnels/CA WaterFix will not provide more water when needed, i.e., during drought;
3. Explain the unintended consequences of participation in the State Water Project (SWP) utilizing the experience of Santa Barbara County as an example of the statewide problem;
4. Highlight the exorbitant cost and unreliability of importing water from the State Water Project (SWP) to the communities of Santa Barbara’s South Coast.
Delta conveyance, economic analysis, Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta