Managing California’s Freshwater Ecosystems: Lessons from the 2012-16 Drought

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | November 16th, 2017


The 2012–16 drought caused unprecedented stress to California’s ecosystems and pushed many native species to the brink of extinction. It also tested the laws, policie

Natural Resources Defense Council v. Kempthorne, Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment

United States District Court, Eastern District of California | May 7th, 2007


This case concerns the effect on a threatened species of fish, the Delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus) , of the coordinated operation of the federally managed Central

Phenomenological vs. biophysical models of thermal stress in aquatic eggs

Ecology Letters (Wiley) | January 1st, 2017


Predicting species responses to climate change is a central challenge in ecology. These predictions are often based on lab-derived phenomenological relationships between

Projected Changes in Precipitation, Temperature, and Drought across California’s Hydrologic Regions in the 21st Century

Climate (MDPI) | April 23rd, 2018


This study investigated potential changes in future precipitation, temperature, and drought across 10 hydrologic regions in California. The latest climate model projectio

Proposal for Calculating Cumulative Salvage Index Values Used For Estimating Take Likely to Occur under the USFWS Old and Middle River Flow RPA for Adult Delta Smelt

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | September 19th, 2014


The objectives of this paper are to provide a rationale why the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Incidental Take Statement should include more year

Putting Adaptive Management into Practice: Incorporating Quantitative Metrics into Sustainable Groundwater Management

Stanford University | March 4th, 2019


Groundwater is a critical resource in California, serving as a reserve during droughts that are expected to be increasingly frequent and severe as climate change progres

Report of Waste Discharge and Technical Report

Westlands Water District | July 10th, 2019


This Technical Report is in support of a Report of Waste Discharge (ROWD) for an agricultural aquifer storage and recovery (Ag-ASR) program for Westlands Water District

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