NRDC Portfolio-Based BDCP Conceptual Alternative - letter of water agency and organizational support

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) | January 16th, 2013


Letter from some Bay Area and San Diego area water agencies in support of NRDC's portfolio alternative. RELATED DOCUMENTS: NRDC Portfolio-Based BDCP Conceptual Alternat

NRDC Portfolio-Based BDCP Conceptual Alternative - Summary

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) | January 15th, 2013


The eight components described below represent a conceptual alternative, not a proposed BDCP project. The analysis of this alternative is intended to assist BDCP in devel

Oppose the Twin Tunnels Project: A C-­WIN Policy Brief

California Water Impact Network (C-WIN) | October 1st, 2012


It is the policy of the California Water Impact Network to: • Oppose and work to defeat the construction of the Twin Tunnels Project which would divert water from th

Our Vision for the California Delta

Delta Vision Blue Ribbon Task Force (Delta Vision) | March 19th, 2008


Executive Order S-17-06, directed us to “develop a durable vision for sustainable management of the Delta” with the goal of “...managing the Delta over the long te

Pared-Down Water Plan to Be Submitted in 1987

Los Angeles Times | June 17th, 1985


SACRAMENTO — Gov. George Deukmejian’s Administration is preparing to submit a new water package to the Legislature in 1987, a stripped-down version of the plan that f

Plan of Development Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Interagency Delta Committee (IDC) | January 20th, 1965


Review of Delta Conveyance Project Benefit-Cost Analysis: Implications for Decision-Makers and Financing

University of the Pacific, Center for Business and Policy Research | June 24th, 2024


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