The unequal burdens of water scarcity

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | January 19th, 2023


Curtailing water use during drought is costly, but those costs are not evenly distributed. Socio–hydrological modelling shows how water burdens fall more heavily on poo

The Well Fixer's Warning

The Atlantic | August 17th, 2021


The well fixer and I were standing at the edge of an almond orchard in the exhausted middle of California. It was late July, and so many wells on the farms of Madera Co

Tribal Communication Plan

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | June 1st, 2008


Tulare Lake Fact Sheet

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | October 12th, 2023


UC groundwater research: A survey

California Agriculture (UCANR) | March 13th, 2018


As California implements the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), UC research is building knowledge and supporting innovation in groundwater recharge, groundwat

Urban hydrology and water management— Present and future challenges

Urban Water (Elsevier) | March 1st, 1999


Urban hydrology is an applied science that will have an increasing role to play in the sustainability of human societies. Facing present growth of urban population, it is

Using Watershed Science to Build Consensus and Maximize Benefits of L.A. County’s Safe Clean Water Program

Accelerate Resilience LA (ARLA) | January 31st, 2022


To meet its diverse goals, SCWP scoring criteria, processes, and guidelines were initially developed to incentivize projects that simultaneously address water, environmen

Wastewater surveillance for public health

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | January 5th, 2023


Water and Culture (Resource Management Strategy)

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 29th, 2016


This resource management strategy report presents the emerging thinking of many California Water Plan Advisory Committee members and other stakeholders regarding the impo

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Hydrological Region