Managing Drought in a Changing Climate: Four Essential Reforms

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | September 12th, 2018


California’s climate is changing. Hotter temperatures, a shrinking snowpack, shorter and more intense wet seasons, rising sea level, and more volatile precipita

Natural Resources Policy: Management, Institutions, and Issues

Congressional Research Service (CRS) | January 17th, 2007


Natural resources management remains a significant issue for the federal government. Growing demands on the nation’s resources and interest in their protection and allo

Navigating Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act

Center for Law, Energy, and the Environment (CLEE) | March 28th, 2018


California’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA), passed in 2014, recognizes and addresses connections between surface water and groundwater. The st

Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) Policy: Water Quality Control Policy for Siting, Design, Operation, and Maintenance

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | June 19th, 2012


The purpose of this Policy is to allow the continued use of OWTS, while protecting water quality and public health. This Policy recognizes that responsible local agencies

Perspectives on Bay–Delta Science and Policy

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | December 1st, 2016


The State of Bay–Delta Science 2008 highlighted seven emerging perspectives on science and management of the Delta. These perspectives had important effects on policy a

Policy for Implementation of Toxics Standards for Inland Surface Waters, Enclosed Bays, and Estuaries of California

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | March 17th, 2005


This state policy for water quality control (Policy), adopted by the State Water Resources Control Board on March 2, 2000 and effective by May 22, 2000 (See “Note” be

Priorities for California Water (2017)

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | October 13th, 2017


This past year was a prime example of California’s highly variable climate—and a precursor of the types of extremes that are expected to become more common. After fiv

Priorities for California’s Water

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | November 14th, 2022


This report considers the state of water in California: What changes are we seeing now, and what should we expect in the near future? Then it examines how these climate s

Public Update for Drought Response: Groundwater Basins with Potential Water Shortages, Gaps in Groundwater Monitoring, Monitoring of Land Subsidence, and Agricultural Land Fallowing

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | November 25th, 2014


California’s Water Year 2014 (October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014) was one of the driest in decades and followed two consecutive dry years throughout the state.

Recommendations for Sustainable Groundwater Management

California Water Foundation | April 5th, 2014


The results of this effort are organized and presented as follows in this Report: • A review of the Dialogue process that provides additional details about participati

Filter Results






Hydrological Region