In the Field and In the Stream: California Reasonable Use Law Applied to Water for Agriculture

Golden Gate University (GSU) | August 1st, 2016


When it comes to fresh water consumption in California, going forward we will need to learn to do more with less. There are at least two main reasons why California will

Light v. State Water Resources Control Board

Court of Appeals of California, First Appellate District | July 11th, 2014


Los Angeles Waterkeeper v. State Water Resources Control Board

Second Appellate District, Court of Appeal of the State of California | February 27th, 2023


The Reasonable Use Doctrine and Water Use Efficiency Report

Publisher not available | April 5th, 2011


The purpose of the report is to review the breadth of the Reasonable Use Doctrine, which can affect all water uses, including urban, hydropower, recreation, environment,

The Reasonable Use Doctrine in California Water Law and Policy

University of California College of the Law, San Francisco (UC Law SF) | August 30th, 2016


The cardinal principle of California water law is that all water rights, and all uses of water, must be reasonable. This seemingly simple and innocuous sentence masks a w

Wasted Water: Reasonable Use Law in 21st Century California

Publisher not available | January 24th, 2015


The 2015 California Water Law Symposium focused on the reasonable use of water in modern day California. Panel topics: The Long View on Reasonable Use Law in Cali

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