Adaptive Management for Ecosystem Restoration: Analysis and Issues for Congress

Congressional Research Service (CRS) | March 4th, 2011


Adaptive management is the process of incorporating new scientific and programmatic information into the implementation of a project or plan to ensure that the goals of t

Adaptive Management of Natural Resources: Theory, Concepts, and Management Institutions

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) | July 19th, 2005


This report reviews the extensive and growing literature on the concept and application of adaptive management. Adaptive management is a central element of the Northwest

Adaptive Management of Renewable Resources

Macmillan Publishing Company | July 1st, 1986


In Adaptive Management of Renewable Resources, noted theoretician Carl Walters challenges the traditional approach to dealing with uncertainty in the management of su

An appraisal of adaptive management planning and implementation in ecological restoration: Case studies from the San Francisco Bay Delta, USA

Ecology and Society (E&S) | July 1st, 2016


Adaptive management has been defined and redefined in the context of natural resource management, yet there are few examples of its successful application in ecological

Analog Model Study of the Ground-Water Basin of the Upper Coachella Valley, California

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | July 18th, 1974


An analog model of the ground-water basin of the upper Coachella Valley was constructed to determine the effects of imported water on ground-water levels. The mod

Annual Report of Activities Water Year 2018 Stanislaus Operations Group (SOG)

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | November 1st, 2018


Brackish Water Desalination Facility Project

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | April 1st, 2020


The City of Antioch (City) is proposing the Brackish Water Desalination Project (Project), which consists of the construction of a desalination facility at the City’s

California Salmon Strategy for a Hotter, Drier Future: Restoring Aquatic Ecosystems in the Age of Climate Change

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) | January 20th, 2024


The infrastructure built generations ago in California continues to limit salmon migration, and some dams that remain on the landscape are well beyond their useful life.

Can Los Osos Valley Groundwater Basin Provide a Sustainable Water Supply?

California State University, Monterey Bay (CSUMB) | September 16th, 2010


The aquifers underlying the community of Los Osos in California are impaired by nitrate pollution from septic systems (shallow aquifers) and saltwater intrusion f

Collateral Damage: A citizen’s guide to fish kills and habitat degradation at the state and federal water project pumps in the Delta

Bay Institute | March 1st, 2012


Large-scale fish kills and habitat destruction aren’t an unusual occurrence at the giant federal and state pumps that export water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

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