Atmospheric River Precipitation Enhanced by Climate Change: A Case Study of the Storm That Contributed to California's Oroville Dam Crisis

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | February 9th, 2022


California's reliance on precipitation from atmospheric rivers is expected to increase as our climate warms. Understanding how climate change is impacting this increasing

Atmospheric Rivers as Drought Busters on the U.S. West Coast

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | April 25th, 2013


Atmospheric rivers (ARs) have, in recent years, been recognized as the cause of the large majority of major floods in rivers all along the U.S. West Coast and as the sour

Atmospheric rivers drive flood damages in the western United States

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | December 4th, 2019


Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are extratropical storms that produce extreme precipitation on the west coasts of the world’s major landmasses. In the United States, ARs caus

Atmospheric rivers impact California's coastal water quality via extreme precipitation

Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier) | June 25th, 2019


Precipitation in California is projected to become more volatile: less frequent but more extreme as global warming pushes midlatitude frontal cyclones further poleward wh

Atmospheric Rivers Impacting Northern California Exhibit a Quasi-Decadal Frequency

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | July 26th, 2021


In Northern California, much of the precipitation and surface water comes from atmospheric rivers–corridors of moisture transport from the tropics. The frequency of atm

Atmospheric rivers impacting western North America in a world with climate intervention

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | May 18th, 2022


Atmospheric rivers (ARs) impacting western North America are analyzed under climate intervention applying stratospheric aerosol injections (SAI) using simulations produce

Atmospheric rivers in 20 year weather and climate simulations: A multi-model, global evaluation

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | June 1st, 2017


Atmospheric rivers (ARs) are narrow, elongated, synoptic jets of water vapor that play importantroles in the global water cycle and meteorological/hydrological extremes.

Atmospheric Rivers, Floods and the Water Resources of California

Water (MDPI) | April 5th, 2011


California’s highly variable climate and growing water demands combine to pose both water-supply and flood-hazard challenges to resource managers. Recently important ef

Brief communication: Meteorological and climatological conditions associated with the 9 January 2018 post-fire debris flows in Montecito and Carpinteria, California, USA

Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, European Geosciences Union | November 19th, 2018


The Thomas Fire burned 114,078 ha in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties, southern California, during December 2017–January 2018. On 9 January 2018, high-intensity rai

California Winter Precipitation Change under Global Warming in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 Ensemble

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | August 23rd, 2013


Projections of possible precipitation change in California under global warming have been subject to considerable uncertainty because California lies between the

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