Estuary News, June 2022

San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) | June 15th, 2022


Estuary News, October 2021

San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) | October 15th, 2021


Framing the Problem of Flood Risk and Flood Management in Metropolitan Los Angeles

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | January 1st, 2023


This paper develops the concept of flood problem framing to understand decision-makers’ priorities in flood risk management in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Region in Ca

How can we support the development of robust groundwater sustainability plans?

California Agriculture (UCANR) | March 13th, 2018


Three years after California passed the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SMGA), groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) are now preparing to develop their groun

Implementing SGMA: Results from a Stakeholder Survey

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | August 26th, 2019


The Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) of 2014 represents a historic transition to collective groundwater resource management and has the potential to signif

Implicit and Explicit Biases for Recycled Water and Tap Water

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | May 31st, 2022


Increasing use of recycled water to irrigate agricultural products and decreasing consumption of bottled water are important components of sustainable water management pr

One Water LA 2040 Plan

City of Los Angeles | April 30th, 2018


The purpose of the One Water LA 2040 Plan (Plan) is to increase sustainable water management for the City of Los Angeles (City). The City launched One Water LA with two p

Outreach and Engagement (Resource Management Strategy)

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | July 29th, 2016


Outreach and engagement for water management in California is use of tools and practices by water agencies to facilitate contributions by public individuals and groups to

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