Declining mountain snowpack in western North America

American Meteorological Society (AMS) | January 3rd, 2005


Mountain snowpack in western North America is a key component of the hydrologic cycle, storing water from the winter (when most precipitation falls) and releasi

Defining Snow Drought and Why It Matters

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | February 28th, 2017


On 12 February, water resource managers at the Oroville Dam issued an evacuation warning that forced some 180,000 Californians to relocate to higher ground. The story of

Dramatic declines in snowpack in the western US

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | March 2nd, 2018


Mountain snowpack stores a significant quantity of water in the western US, accumulating during the wet season and melting during the dry summers and supplying

Drought less predictable under declining future snowpack

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | April 20th, 2020


Mountain snowpack serves as an immense natural water reservoir, and knowledge of snow conditions helps predict seasonal water availability and offers critical ear

Feather River Hydrologic Observatory: Improving Hydrological Snowpack Forecasting for Hydropower Generation Using Intelligent Information Systems

California Energy Commission (CEC) | August 31st, 2018


Changing climatic conditions and a lack of representative snow cover data challenge the ability to accurately model and fully utilize the water resources of montane snowp

Fourth National Climate Assessment Chapter 3: Water

U.S. Global Change Research Program | November 23rd, 2018


Significant changes in water quantity and quality are evident across the country. These changes, which are expected to persist, present an ongoing risk to coupled human

How Much Snow?

Scientific American | March 1st, 1939


Last winter, at 682 different locations in the Rockies and high Sierras, more than 30,000 exact measurements of snow depth and water content were taken, in order to e

Human-Induced Changes in the Hydrology of the Western United States

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | February 22nd, 2008


Observations have shown that the hydrological cycle of the western United States changed significantly over the last half of the 20th century. We present a regi

Hydroclimate Report Water Year 2015

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | December 23rd, 2016


Water year 2015 added a fourth year to the ongoing drought in California, with observations indicative of a changing climate, including record warmth. The Water year ende

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