U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | January 15th, 1959
Shasta Valley is in the central part of Siskiyou County, Calif., and about 12 miles south of the Oregon border. It lies between the Klamath Mountains on the west and th
Shasta Valley is in the central part of Siskiyou County, Calif., and about 12 miles south of the Oregon border. It lies between the Klamath Mountains on the west and the Cascade Range 011 the east. The valley has an area of about 250 square miles; the north-south length is about 30 miles and the maximum width is about 15 miles. The average precipitation from July 1 to June 30 at Yreka and Montague is about 17 and 12 inches, respectively, and the average annual temperature at Yreka is 51.5°F. The area has a population of about 12,000, most of whom are employed in farming, cattle raising, and lumbering.
The farm income is derived chiefly from livestock, principally beef cattle, hogs, and sheep. Alfalfa, wheat, barley, oats, and rye are the main crops grown in the valley.
The Klamath Mountains are underlain by metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of Paleozoic age and by intrusive rocks of Mesozoic age that form the basement complex. Near Yreka the Chico formation of Late Cretaceous age, which is composed of shale, sandstone, and some conglomerate, overlies the older rocks with profound unconformity. The Chico formation in turn is overlain disconformably by the Umpqua formation of Eocene age, which consists mainly of black shale. These rocks are covered by a thin veneer of older alluvium which floors much of the northern part of the valley.
Volcanic rocks make up much of the valley floor from Montague southward to Edgewood. The southeastern, flatter part of the valley is occupied by the Plutos Cave basalt, which is a relatively large single flow erupted from the northeast flank of Mount Shasta within the last few thousand years. The western half of the valley floor is occupied largely by the older volcanic rocks of the western Cascades, which range in age from Eocene to Miocene and which have been eroded into hillocks that range in height from a few feet to as much as 300 feet. Between these hillocks lie many small ponds and marshes and the alluvial flats formed by slow, winding streams.
The valley is drained principally by the Shasta River and Parks Creek, which rise in the Klamath Mountains, and the Little Shasta River, which rises in the high Cascades. The volcanic rocks of the high Cascades were built by eruptions that commenced at the close of the Miocene epoch and continued intermittently to Recent time. Mount Shasta was built mainly during the Pleistocene epoch.
Morainal and fluvioglacial deposits, which are concentrated at the south end of the valley, were formed mainly during Pleistocene time by glaciers that descended the northwest flanks of Mount Shasta. Glaciers still remain on Mount Shasta and have supplied fluvioglacial debris to the valley during Recent time.
The Plutos Cave basalt constitutes the principal aquifer in the valley, yielding abundant water for irrigation, stock, and domestic wells in the vicinity of Big Springs. Yields of irrigation wells in the basalt average about 1,300 gpm (gallons per minute). The andesitic lavas of the western Cascades supply sufficient water for domestic and stock uses. Yields of wells tapping the andesites vary greatly because of rapid changes in lateral and vertical permeability. Abundant water for irrigation is yielded from fractures in the volcanic rocks of the western Cascades in the Gazelle-Grenada area.
The basement complex and the Chico and Umpqua formations are tapped by relatively few wells in the area, although locally these wells seem to yield sufficient water for domestic and stock uses. The basement complex yields water from joints, faults, shear zones, and openings along foliation planes.
The morainal and fluvioglacial deposits generally yield sufficient water for domestic and stock uses. Several irrigation wells tapping glacial materials east of Edgewood yield 600 to 1,500 gpm. The younger and older alluviums of Recent and Pleistocene age yield water sufficient for domestic and stock uses.
Along the west side of the valley the younger alluvium yields sufficient water for irrigation and supplies Yreka with abundant water for municipal uses.
Ground water moves generally northward in the southern part of Shasta Valley and troughward from the east and west, converging toward the Shasta River along the valley axis. At the north end of the valley an eastward-trending divide separates the ground water that moves north to Willow Creek from ground water that moves south to the Shasta River.
Recharge to ground water is effected by deep infiltration of precipitation that falls on the tributary drainage area, principally the western slopes of Mount Shasta, and by seepage from streams. The mean annual precipitation on the valley floor of 12-15 inches probably is not sufficient to contribute much recharge to ground water, but during years of above-average precipitation some deep penetration probably occurs. Recharge from irrigation water in 1953 was about 15,000 acre-feet from a total surface-water diversion of 58,000 acre-feet, and recharge from ground water pumped for irrigation was about 2,000 acre-feet.
Ground-water discharge in Shasta Valley occurs principally by seepage into streams, which is estimated crudely to have been 70,000 acre-feet in 1953. Big Springs has an annual discharge of about 30,000 acre-feet. Evapotranspiration from subirrigated crops is estimated to have been 28,000 acre-feet in 1953.
Pumpage for all uses in 1953 was approximately 6,000 acre-feet, and net draft was about 4,000 acre-feet. Ground-water discharge in 1953 by all these principal means was about 130,000 acre-feet. In addition, there was minor discharge from flowing wells, unestimated discharge from small springs on the valley floor, and evapotranspiration losses from relatively small areas of phreatophytes.
Because of the relatively small pumpage in the valley, water levels in wells show declines of only 5-10 feet during the summer and autumn. So far as is known, the levels each winter and spring recover nearly completely, and as of 1953 there had been no indication of a long-term decline of water levels in the valley.
Surface water and ground water are generally low in dissolved mineral content and with few exceptions meet minimum standards for irrigation and domestic use. A close correlation exists between the composition of the various rock types in the area and the mineralization of surface and ground waters in areas adjacent to each rock type.