San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District | July 18th, 2012
The importation of water (i.e., State Water Project (SWP) water, Colorado River water, and imported groundwater) to groundwater basins within the Santa Ana River Region
The importation of water (i.e., State Water Project (SWP) water, Colorado River water, and imported groundwater) to groundwater basins within the Santa Ana River Region is necessary to meet increasing demand. However, long-term conjunctive use of water within the Region could affect groundwater quality. As such, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board Santa Ana Region (RWQCB) is requiring that groundwater quality be managed to meet the water quality objectives for total dissolved solids (TDS) and nitrogen (i.e., Salinity Objectives) regulated in the 1995 Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin (Basin Plan).
On January 22, 2004, the RWQCB adopted Resolution No. R8-2004-0001, incorporating an updated TDS and nitrogen management plan that includes revised groundwater subbasin boundaries; revised TDS and nitrate-nitrogen water quality objectives for groundwater; revised TDS and nitrogen waste load allocations; and revised reach designations, TDS and nitrogen objectives and beneficial uses for specific surface waters. On May 19, 2006, the RWQCB considered a resolution and order that would have adopted general waste discharge requirements for the recharge of imported water to the Santa Ana River Basin. Based on input from stakeholders, it was decided by the RWQCB that the feasibility of a cooperative program should be investigated that would achieve the objectives of and obviate the adoption of the draft resolution and order under consideration.
On January 18, 2008, the RWQCB adopted Resolution No. R8-2008-0019 authorizing a “Cooperative Agreement to Protect Water Quality and Encourage the Conjunctive Use of Imported Water in the Santa Ana River Basin.” The purpose of the cooperative agreement is to allow the participating parties to “…monitor and improve water quality objectives within the Santa Ana River Region in a manner that is consistent with the needs of the inhabitants of the Region for a reliable supply of water.” (Cooperative Agreement, 2008).
The following Parties have entered into this cooperative agreement:
California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region,
City of Corona,
City of Riverside,
City of San Bernardino Municipal Water Department,
Eastern Municipal Water District,
Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District,
Orange County Water District,
San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District),
San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency, and
Western Municipal Water District of Riverside County (Western).