Anadromous Salmonids in the Delta: New Science 2006-2016

University of California, Davis (UC Davis) | July 1st, 2016


As juvenile salmon enter the Delta, they disperse among its complex channel network where they are subject to channel-specific processes that affect their rate of migrati

Anthropogenic carbon and ocean pH: Oceanography

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | September 25th, 2003


Most carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the burning of fossil fuels will eventually be absorbed by the ocean1, with potentially adverse co

Anthropogenic debris in seafood: Plastic debris and fibers from textiles in fish and bivalves sold for human consumption

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | September 24th, 2015


The ubiquity of anthropogenic debris in hundreds of species of wildlife and the toxicity of chemicals associated with it has begun to raise concerns regarding the presenc

Assessing the Impact of Periodic Dredging on Macroinvertebrate Prey Availability for Benthic Foraging Fishes

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | July 1st, 2017


Due to its importance for special status fish, the San Francisco Bay (SFB) estuary has been designated as Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery

Bay Delta Plan Phase 2 Workshop Summary Report

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | January 1st, 2013


The California State Water Resources Control Board (Board) is tasked with updating the 2006 Water Quality Control Plan for the Bay-Delta Estuary (Bay-Delta Plan). The Boa

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