Evapotranspiration of urban landscapes in Los Angeles, California at the municipal scale

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | May 24th, 2017


Evapotranspiration (ET), an essential process in biosphere-atmosphere interactions, is highly uncertain in cities that maintain cultivated and irrigated landscapes. We e

From the sanitary city to the sustainable city: challenges to institutionalising biogenic (nature’s services) infrastructure

Local Environment (Routledge) | January 4th, 2010


Much has been made of the need for cities to becomemore sustainable, particularly since for the first time in human history over half of the world’s population are urb

Goal-based water trading expands and diversifies supplies for enhanced resilience

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | February 11th, 2019


In response to rising water scarcity concerns around the world, water utilities are expanding and diversifying their water supply portfolios, including attempting to valu

GreenPlan-IT Tracker

San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) | June 14th, 2018


This technical memo describes the purpose, functions, and structure associated with the newest addition to the GreenPlan-IT Toolset, the GreenPlan-IT Tracker. It also sh

Groundwater and Urban Growth in the San Joaquin Valley

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | September 20th, 2021


The San Joaquin Valley is ground zero for the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). It has the largest groundwater deficit in California and faces some of the

Guide for Developing Onsite Water Systems to Support Regional Water Resilience

Pacific Institute | January 26th, 2023


Across the United States, urban communities face growing water challenges, from water scarcity to flooding, pollution, aging water infrastructure, and more. These challen

Guidebook to Assist Urban Water Suppliers to Prepare a 2010 Urban Water Management Plan

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | March 17th, 2011


Guidebook to Assist Urban Water Suppliers to Prepare a 2010 Urban Water Management Plan (Guidebook) has been developed by the California Department of Water Resources (

Hidden Oasis: Water Conservation and Efficiency in Las Vegas

Pacific Institute | November 20th, 2007


Two of the West’s preeminent water organizations report Las Vegas Valley is sitting on an oasis of water and money savings. In their new report, the Pacific Institute a

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