Santa Clara Valley Water District 2015 Urban Water Management Plan

Santa Clara Valley Water District | May 1st, 2016


The Urban Water Management Planning Act (UWMP Act) (Division 6 Part 2.6 of California Water Code §10610 - 10656) requires the preparation of an Urban Water Management P

Statements of Water Diversions and Use: Providing a Better Picture of Water Use in the Delta

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | April 5th, 2011


The purpose of this report is to outline the history of the Statements Program and explain recent statutory changes that will enable the program to more comprehensively f

Sustainable Landscapes in California: A Guidebook for Commercial and Industrial Site Managers

Pacific Institute | August 20th, 2020


Sustainable landscaping offers a solution in balance with the local climate and ecology, and actively contributes to community and watershed health by providing economic,

Sustainable Use of Water in the Lower Colorado River Basin

Pacific Institute | November 26th, 1996


The Colorado River supplies water to nearly 30 million people and irrigates more than 1.5 million hectares of farmland in the United States and Mexico. But the diversion

The Ahwahnee Water Principles

Local Government Commission | July 1st, 2006


In 2004,the Local Government Commission set out to identify effective,least-cost economically and politically viable options for sustainable water resources management at

The Cost of Alternative Water Supply and Efficiency Options in California

Pacific Institute | October 13th, 2016


The Cost of Alternative Water Supply and Efficiency Options in California is the first comprehensive analysis to examine the cost of various strategies throughout the sta

The most important issue about water is not supply, but how it is used

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | December 14th, 2023


The Untapped Potential of California’s Water Supply

Pacific Institute | June 10th, 2014


California could be saving up to 14 million acre-feet of untapped water – providing more than the amount of water used in all of California’s cities in one year – w

The Water Footprint of California’s Energy System, 1990–2012

Pacific Institute | February 1st, 2015


A new article by Julian Fulton and  Heather Cooley  evaluates the amount of water consumed in meeting California’s energy needs – also referred to as the water foot

Unintended consequences of water conservation on the use of treated municipal wastewater

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | May 11th, 2020


Municipal water managers are intensifying efforts to reduce urban water use and increase the reliability of local water supplies to combat rising water scarcity and droug

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