Agricultural managed aquifer recharge (Ag-MAR)—a method for sustainable groundwater management: A review

Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology (Taylor & Francis) | March 28th, 2022


More than two billion people and 40% of global agricultural production depend upon unsustainable groundwater extraction. Managed aquifer recharge (MAR), the practice of s

Airborne Geophysical Method Images Fast Paths for Managed Recharge of California’s Groundwater

Environmental Research Letters (IOP) | November 17th, 2022


Given the substantial groundwater level declines in the Central Valley of California, there is an urgent need to supplement the recharge of the groundwater systems by imp

Alamitos Barrier Project: Annual Report on the Control of Seawater Intrusion 2016-2017

Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) | June 30th, 2017


The Alamitos Barrier Project (ABP) was designed and constructed to protect the groundwater supplies of the Central/Orange County Basin of the Coastal Plain

Aliso Water District Groundwater Sustainability Plan

Aliso Water District Groundwater Sustainability Agency | January 17th, 2020


Aliso Water District Groundwater Sustainability Plan (Amended)

Aliso Water District Groundwater Sustainability Agency | July 7th, 2022


The January 2020 AWD GSA GSP, along with the other GSPs of the Delta-Mendota Subbasin, was deemed incomplete by DWR January 21, 2022 (Appendix H). The incomplete determin

Amended Groundwater Sustainability Plan, Tri-County Water Authority - Tule Subbasin

Tri-County Water Authority | July 27th, 2022


The Tule Subbasin submitted six GSPs, including one for the Tri-County Water Authority, in January 2020 to the Department of Water Resources (DWR). DWR was required to de

Amended Olcese Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) for Certain Lands Overlying the Kern County Subbasin

Olcese Groundwater Sustainability Agency | July 27th, 2022


This GSP has been prepared by the Olcese GSA, which is the GSA for the portion of the Kern County Subbasin of the San Joaquin Valley Groundwater Basin (Department of Wate

An Evaluation of California’s Adjudicated Groundwater Basins

University of California, Santa Cruz (UC Santa Cruz) | October 1st, 2016


Groundwater is a critical resource in California, providing on average 30 percent of the state’s total water supply and significantly more during dry years. Many commu

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