Quality of Groundwater Used for Domestic Supply in the Northern San Joaquin Valley, California

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | July 28th, 2021


 Groundwater provides more than 40 percent of California’s drinking water. To protect this vital resource, the State of California created the Groundwater Ambient Moni

Salton Sea Management Program and Community Needs

California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) | January 31st, 2024


In the Southeastern corner of the state, straddling Imperial and Riverside counties, the Salton Sea (the Sea) is California’s largest inland lake and home to many Calif

SGMA and Underrepresented Farmers

Clean Water Action | May 31st, 2022


Groundwater resources play a vital role in maintaining environmental sustainability in California. During a typical year, approximately 40 percent of the state’s total

Small Water Systems and Rural Communities Drought and Water Shortage Contingency Planning and Risk Assessment, Part 1

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | March 25th, 2021


This report is submitted pursuant to California Water Code (CWC) Section 10609.42, which directs the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to identify small wate

Small Water Systems and Rural Communities Drought and Water Shortage Contingency Planning and Risk Assessment, Part 2

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | March 25th, 2021


This report is submitted pursuant to California Water Code (CWC) Section 10609.42 which directs California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to identify small water sup

Socio-hydrological drought impacts on urban water affordability

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | January 19th, 2023


In water-stressed regions, droughts pose a critical challenge to urban water security for low-income households. Droughts reduce water availability, forcing water provide

Striving for Equity in Public Investments in Water in California: An Analysis of Prop 1 Implementation

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | August 21st, 2019


 In 2014, California voters approved a $7.5 billion bond measure to fund water quality, supply, and infrastructure improvements. Prop 1 included significant provisions t

Sustainable Development and Environmental Justice

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | September 7th, 2004


This chapter addresses the incorporation of environmental justice into the general plan. While environmental justice is not a mandatory topic in the general plan, ther

The Human Right to Water

Pacific Institute | May 1st, 2007


More than a billion people lack access to safe drinking water. Two and a half billion people live without access to adequate sanitation systems necessary to reduce exposu

The Human Right To Water In Poor Communities Of Color

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | January 19th, 2021


Since the state enacted the Human Right to Water Legislation (AB 685) eight years ago, California has added more regulatory authority and more funding to help small disa

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