Anadromous Salmonid Fish Passage Facility Design

National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) | July 26th, 2011


The primary effect of barriers (e.g., hydroelectric dams, water storage projects, irrigation diversions, impassable culverts, etc.) on Pacific salmonids is the reduction

Analysis of the costs and benefits of using marsh restoration as a sea level rise adaptation strategy in San Francisco Bay

Bay Institute | February 22nd, 2013


The purpose of this study is to examine opportunities to protect San Francisco Bay’s recovering tidal marsh ecosystems while helping bayshore communities to manage the

Annual Report of Activities Water Year 2018 Stanislaus Operations Group (SOG)

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | November 1st, 2018


Aquatic Ecosystem Stressors in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | May 5th, 2012


This report presents results from an analysis of the institutional and legal options for more effective ecosystem management in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. It is pa

Aquatic Life Study Final Report

San Joaquin Valley Drainage Authority | January 6th, 2016


Central Valley Salinity Alternatives for Long Term Sustainability (CV‐SALTS) is developing a comprehensive regulatory and programmatic approach to the management of sa

Areas of Special Biological Significance: California’s Marine State Water Quality Protection Areas

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | April 1st, 2008


Designated March 21, 1974 (Resolution No. 74-28), April 18, 1974 (Resolution No. 74-32) and June 19, 1975 (Resolution No. 75-61) This printing of the publication, “A

Assessing the accuracy of OpenET satellite-based evapotranspiration data to support water resource and land management applications

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | January 15th, 2024


Remotely sensed evapotranspiration (ET) data offer strong potential to support data-driven approaches for sustainable water management. However, practitioners require rob

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