Municipal Stormwater Management Spending in California: Data Extraction, Compilation, and Analysis

Environmental Management (Springer) | March 23rd, 2022


Communities in the U.S. fund stormwater management programs to reduce flooding and improve and protect water quality. Few studies have attempted to quantify municipal sto

NPDES Stormwater Cost Survey

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | January 4th, 2005


Task A – Documenting Stormwater Program Costs  Five California municipalities and one metropolitan area with stormwater programs that are demonstrating meaningful

Overview of Management and Restoration Activities in the Salton Sea

Congressional Research Service (CRS) | November 24th, 2013


Efforts to restore the Salton Sea ecosystem have been discussed and initiated through state and federal actions. Several studies by state and federal agencies have provid

Overview on Central Valley Project Financing, Cost Allocation, and Repayment Issues

Delta Vision Blue Ribbon Task Force (Delta Vision) | September 18th, 2008


As part of its strategic plan, the Delta Vision Task Force is considering in detail the entire California water infrastructure. This report summarizes and expands upon

Paying for Infrastructure: California’s Choices

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | January 16th, 2009


PPIC’s At Issue series focuses on issues important for California now and in the future. Financing infrastructure has traditionally been difficult for the state, and cu

Paying for Water in California

Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) | March 6th, 2014


California faces serious funding gaps in five key areas of water management—including safe drinking water in small, disadvantaged communities; flood protection; managem

Principles and Requirements for Federal Investments in Water Resources

Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) | March 22nd, 2013


Chapter I – Principles for Federal Investments in Water Resources 1. Purpose and Scope 2. The Federal Objective 3. Guiding Principles A. Healthy and Resilient Ecosy

Reforming Davis-Dolwig: Funding Recreation in the State Water Project

Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) | March 19th, 2009


The Davis-Dolwig Act is a 47-year-old state law that specifies that the state, not water ratepayers, should fund the recreation component of the the State Water Project (

Rising Seas and Electricity Infrastructure: Potential Impacts and Adaptation Actions for San Diego Gas & Electric

California Energy Commission (CEC) | August 31st, 2018


Part A: Rising sea levels pose a threat to California’s energy infrastructure and the coastal communities that it serves. To better understand this threat, this

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