Fill Mead First: a technical assessment

Utah State University | November 10th, 2019


The Fill Mead First (FMF) plan would establish Lake Mead reservoir as the primary water storage facility of the main-stem Colorado River and would relegate Lake

Flood Size Increases Nonlinearly Across the Western United States in Response to Lower Snow-Precipitation Ratios

American Geophysical Union (AGU) | December 20th, 2019


Many mountainous and high-latitude regions have experienced more precipitation as rain rather than snow due to warmer winter temperatures. Further decreases in the annual

Fracturing dams, fractured data: Empirical trends and characteristics of existing and removed dams in the United States

River Research and Applications (Wiley) | May 20th, 2018


Dam removals in the United States continue to accelerate in pace and scope, but no national analyses have examined how removed dams compare with existing dam stock. Here,

Friant Water Supply Protection Association vs. Del Puerto Water District et al

Superior Court of California, County of Stanislaus | October 31st, 2022


From Storage to Retention: Expanding California's Options for Meeting Its Water Needs

California Roundtable on Water and Food Supply (CRWFS) | November 19th, 2012


Achieving a more effective and flexible water storage system requires a shift in the way that we, as a society, understand, define, and use storage as an element of integ

Geology, water resources and usable ground-water storage capacity of part of Solano County, California

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) | July 1st, 1960


The area described is confined largely to the valley-floor and foothill lands of Solano County, which lies directly between Sacramento, the State capital, and San Franc

Global water resources and the role of groundwater in a resilient water future

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | January 31st, 2023


Water is a critical resource, but ensuring its availability faces challenges from climate extremes and human intervention. In this Review, we evaluate the current and his

High‐resolution surface water dynamics in Earth’s small and medium‐sized reservoirs

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | August 12th, 2022


Small and medium‐sized reservoirs play an important role in water systems that need to cope with climate variability and various other man‐made and natural challenges

Human alteration of global surface water storage variability

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | March 3rd, 2021


Knowing the extent of human influence on the global hydrological cycle is essential for the sustainability of freshwater resources on Earth. However, a lack of water leve

Human-Induced Changes in the Hydrology of the Western United States

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | February 22nd, 2008


Observations have shown that the hydrological cycle of the western United States changed significantly over the last half of the 20th century. We present a regi

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