Bulletin No. 29, San Joaquin River Basin

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | January 1st, 1931


Bulletin 29-031 has been divided into three parts because of size. Click on the links to download each section. Part One, Part Two, Part Three

Bulletin No. 38, Report of Kings River Water Master for the Period 1918-1930

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | December 1st, 1931


*Scan quality is poor on alternate pages. Researchers may want to contact the California Department of Water Resources, or UC Davis, for access to the original.

California Law at the Intersection of Water Use and Land Planning: A Report for the California Office of Planning and Research

University of California College of the Law, San Francisco (UC Law SF) | May 13th, 2015


There are no laws in California that require coordination between land planners and water regulators. A local planning commission may approve a new subdivision ev

California's Area of Origin Laws

California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) | April 8th, 2013


California’s Area of Origin Laws have long been in the background of the State’s major water issues. They were enacted 50-80 years ago, are written very generally, an

Center for Biological Diversity vs. Lincoln County Water District

Nevada Appellate Courts | January 25th, 2024


This case examines whether the State Engineer has the authority to redesignate multiple existing hydrographic basins as one "superbasin" based on a shared source of water

Central and West Basin Water Replenishment District, etc. v. Charles E. Adams, et al

Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles | December 23rd, 2013


Note from “An Evaluation of California’s Adjudicated Groundwater Basins” by Langridge et al: "Third Amendment Judgment to the Central Basin adjudication ... allo

Central Valley Project (CVP) Water Contracts Fact Sheet

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | April 6th, 2016


Reclamation fact sheet on the Central Valley Project water contracts.

Chinatown: Owens Valley and Western Water Reallocation—Getting the Record Straight and What It Means for Water Markets

Texas Law Review (SSRN) | June 1st, 2005


In this Article I examine the notorious Owens Valley water transfer to Los Angeles. Not only was it one of the largest private water exchanges in U.S. history, but it rem

Chino Basin Municipal Water District v. City of Chino et al

Superior Court of California, County of San Bernardino | August 25th, 2014


From "An Evaluation of California's Adjudicated Groundwater Basins" by Langridge et al: "Chino Basin is one of the largest groundwater basins in Southern California. It a

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