Integrated Water Management Plan Evaluation: A review of the Salton Sea Authority's preferred project concept for rehabilitating the Salton Sea

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) | March 11th, 2005


The USGS Salton Sea Science Office convened an experts workshop, from November 15-17 in Riverside, California, to evaluate a Salton Sea rehabilitation proposal known as t

Irregular Focal Mechanisms Observed at Salton Sea Geothermal Field: Possible Influences of Anthropogenic Stress Perturbations

Stanford University | February 12th, 2018


At the Salton Sea Geothermal Field (SSGF), strain accumulation is released through seismic slip and aseismic deformation. Earthquake activity at the SSGF often oc

Irrigation in Southern California

Scientific American | December 17th, 1904


As an example of the beneficent results of irrigation of desert lands, a project which has been undertaken in Southern California is probably one of the most notable i

Joining Forces: Innovative Co-Funding to Enhance Corporate Water Stewardship Impact in the Colorado River Basin

Pacific Institute | May 16th, 2023


The premise of this paper is that co-funding with existing and emerging funding mechanisms can help corporations tackle more complex problems at more meaningful scales in

Just the Facts: Land, Water, and Agriculture in the Colorado River Basin

Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy (Babbitt Center) | March 1st, 2022


Late Holocene Lacustrine Chronology and Archaeology of Ancient Lake Cahuilla, California

Quaternary Research (Elsevier) | May 1st, 1983


Freshwater lakes existed intermittently in the Salton Trough of southern California during the late Holocene. The lakes formed north of the subaerial Colorado River Delta

Letter to Governor Brown and the Legislature on the Salton Sea

Little Hoover Commission | June 24th, 2016


The Little Hoover Commission in a letter sent Friday to Governor Brown and the Legislature again renewed its call for urgent action at the Salton Sea to prevent a massive

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