Safe Clean Water Water for Los Angeles County Residents

Los Angeles County Department of Public Works (LACDPW) | November 7th, 2017


We live in a water-scarce area, and forces outside of our control can threaten our local water resources, including lakes, rivers and beaches. LA Count

State Investments in Delta Levees: Key Issues For Updating Priorities

Delta Stewardship Council (Delta Council) | January 9th, 2015


This paper outlines 15 issues that will need to be considered as the Council updates the Delta Plan’s 36 provisions regarding State investment in the Delta’s levees.

State Plan of Flood Control Descriptive Document 2016 Update

California Department of Water Resources (DWR) | December 14th, 2016


The November 2016 State Plan of Flood Control (SPFC) Descriptive Document Update (2016 Update) is intended to serve as a reference for flood management planners and opera

Stormwater Funding Options Providing Sustainable Water Quality Funding in Los Angeles County

California Contract Cities Association (CCCA) | May 21st, 2014


The Los Angeles region faces critical, very costly, and seriously underfunded stormwater and urban runoff water quality challenges. The Los Angeles County Flood Control D

Striving for Equity in Public Investments in Water in California: An Analysis of Prop 1 Implementation

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) | August 21st, 2019


 In 2014, California voters approved a $7.5 billion bond measure to fund water quality, supply, and infrastructure improvements. Prop 1 included significant provisions t

The Burns-Porter Act: A California High Water Mark

State Water Contractors (SWC) | April 2nd, 1984


The case for state-level drinking water affordability programs: Conceptual and empirical evidence from California

Utilities Policy (Elsevier) | April 1st, 2020


Informed by the design of a program in California, we make a three-part argument for why state-level governments might consider implementing direct bill-assistance progra

The Central Valley Project - Federal or State?

University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) | June 1st, 1955


The economic value of local water supplies in Los Angeles

Nature Portfolio (Springer Nature) | May 21st, 2018


Los Angeles imports water over long distances to supplement local supplies. Reduced reliability of the available imports is driving many local agencies to promote conserv

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