Water and Energy Sector Vulnerability to Climate Warming in the Sierra Nevada: Simulating the Regulated Rivers of California’s West Slope Sierra Nevada

California Energy Commission (CEC) | August 7th, 2012


Climate warming is expected to affect the beneficial uses of water in the Sierra Nevada, impacting nearly every resident of California. This paper describes the developme

Water and Energy Sector Vulnerability to Climate Warming in the Sierra Nevada: Water Year Classification in Non?Stationary Climates

California Energy Commission (CEC) | July 31st, 2012


This paper explores the sensitivity of water indexing methods to climate change scenarios to better understand how water management decisions and allocations will be affe

Water-Energy Synergies: Coordinating Efficiency Programs in California

Pacific Institute | September 4th, 2013


All forms of energy – from hydropower to solar panels – use water to extract and process the fuels, construct the processing facilities, or generate the electricity.

Water, energy and environment nexus: The California experience

International Journal of Water Resources Development (Taylor & Francis) | July 21st, 2010


The paper addresses the local and inter-state connections between water, energy and the environment. Using California and the western USA as a case study, the paper highl

WESim – The Water-Energy Simulator – Helps Water and Energy Managers Plan for Change

Pacific Institute | July 5th, 2012


The Water–Energy Simulator (WESim) is an easy-to-use analytical tool that can be used to evaluate the energy and greenhouse gas implications of water management decisio

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